Armchair BEA 2014

Fiction Overdose will be participating again in the annual Book Expo America virtual convention!


Friday, June 14, 2013

June New Release Giveaway Hop (INT)


Monday, June 3, 2013

Armchair BEA 2013: Wrap-Up

My first Armchair BEA had been a blast! Enough said, so here are my answers for today's questions: Did you learn something new? One thing I learned from this Book Blogger Convention is to connect better with fellow bloggers and readers. I am fairly new to this community and I haven’t had the opportunity to interact with them prior to BEA. Read question number 2 for more info. Did you connect with a new-to-you blogger? Absolutely! I’m...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Armchair BEA 2013: Day 5 (Children’s/Young Adult Literature)

I've been really looking forward to this topic since the center of my blog is on Children’s and/or Young Adult Literature. YA and Children’s books are just awesome! My mom has been reading them to me since I was in diapers and I’m still reading them until now! One of my all time favorite authors, C. S. Lewis, once said: No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally - and often far more - worth reading...