Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Armchair BEA 2013: Day 2 (Blogger Development)

Today is a very special day since today is Day 2 of BEA! Yay! Yesterday, I gave you guys sneak peek of myself by answering five questions about myself and I shared my thoughts on Classic books. And for today, I will be sharing to you my “development” in the Blogoverse!

Without doubt, my first year of Blogging has been a blast! I have met a lot of awesome people and participated in many fun activities. Though I am a fairly new blogger (1 year old to be exact), my blogging experience has been really remarkable. I just love this community so much and I’m really thankful for the support and assistance I got from everyone.

Have you branched out to the blogging community?

Yes! I think I have. I have been participating in giveaways, blog hops, blog tours organized by other bloggers, and commented on their blogs as well! I took me a while to get out of my shell, to be honest, but it feels really great to have fellow bookworms as friends in this community.

Do you partner with other bloggers?

Not yet, but I sure am planning to collaborate with other bloggers soon in organizing book-related activities.

Have you gone "pro" or tried generating some income through your blog?

Erm no…I don’t intend to make money through my blog and I like to keep it this way. But I did try to put up some links to The Book Depository one time but I removed them immediately since they’re too “messy” to look at (I’m an OCD btw). I’m also not eligible for Google Adsense since I’m still 16. But I might put some on in the future when I no longer have cash to buy myself books.

If you’re a long-term blogger, how has your online personality developed over the years?

I’m definitely still not a “long-term” blogger but blogging has surely changed my personality a bit (in a positive way of course!). I have been more open to suggestions made by other people and I have been reading books out of my usual comfort zone.

And oh, before I forget! There MIGHT be an INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY tomorrow so make sure to drop by!


  1. Great post! I love YA. It's my favorite genre especially when you add fantasy to it.

    Once you start blogging you might get hooked. Don't count out long term blogging just yet. You seem to have a nice following! :k

  2. Why don't you think you'll be long term?

  3. Oops look like I forgot to insert "still". Sorry guys! That's supposed to be I’m definitely still not a “long-term” blogger.

  4. I love branching out into our book blogging community! It's always a blast!

  5. How dynamic are you?! I'm still making my way (very) gently into the blogging community. And your blog looks fab! :0)

  6. I hope to work with other bloggers in the future too. Its great that blogging helped you read more varied types of books you would never have read before.

  7. I am glad your first year was a blast. I hope it continues to be true for you.

  8. Sounds like you've had a great first year! Blogging has definitely inspired me to read books outside my comfort zone too.

  9. I am about a year old too! (well, actually, I am twice your chronological age, and amusingly we like similar books!) I love the community and I really like it when I meet teen book bloggers. It reassures me that reading is still loved by the electronic generation.

    Lisa @ Just Another Rabid Reader

  10. If I ever go "pro" it'll be because I need the cash to buy new books too :) But I don't see that happening anytime soon. It sounds like your first year's been a great one. I just love your layout, by the way!

  11. thanks for sharing! and yes there's plenty more opportunities to come \m/
